Monday, June 29, 2009

Things i have come to realize.

I've come to realize that my hair.....will never look the way i want, and that's okay.

I've come to realize that when I'm driving.... I am very competitive, and that's not good. lol

I've come to realize that I need...... friends, as long as they are happy. . . . and i have some freaking amazing ones that help me find apples! ;)

I've come to realize that my heart...... Is mine, i don't give it away easily. . . falling in love is going to take a lot.

I've come to realize that I hate it when...... people are grumpy! I HATE GRUMPY PEOPLE!

I've come to realize that when I'm mad....... i guess i show it. . . i thought i was good at covering it up, but I'm never really mad, so why does it matter?

I've come to realize that cash....... stays in my wallet for far to short a time. . . . i cant hold on to it.

I've come to realize that certain people.......make me smile no matter what. . . .

I've come to realize that I'll never be.......what i thought i might be when i was little.

I've come to realize that drugs....... are just a silly silly thing to do.

I've come to realize that the perfect boyfriend....... isn't perfect for everyone, but i like mine, so that's all that counts.

I've come to realize that my cell always with me, no matter how much i hate the fact that i rely on it that much.

I've come to realize when i wake up......I'm never truly awake for at least 45 min.

I've come to realize that last night before I went to sleep..... I was at K-mart with Christina laughing uncontrollably on the ground because of 4 words.

I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about.....why i was so grumpy tonight! there was no reason for it! :(

I've come to realize that when I get on Facebook......I'm on it way to much, and i need to get rid of my computer for at least a week. . . i think everyone on the US needs to go with out technology for one week!

I've come to realize that yesterday......was Sunday, and i slept in, and missed a commitment, and got nothing done.

I've come to realize that today....... I did nothing productive, and i met new people!

I've come to realize that tonight......I will be going to bed shortly. . . if i can get off my computer.

I've come to realize that tomorrow....... i will be at work from 11 to 5:30, and i will more than likely get nothing done again.

I've come to realize that I really not procrastinate any more!

I've come to realize that I love........ A lot of people, but it will take a heck of a lot to make me fall "in love". . .. I don't fall in love easy or fast.

I've come to realize that this past weekend.......was slightly disappointing, but a couple of people made if worth while!

I've come to realize the best music to listen the kind that has a meaning to you in it!

I've come to realize that some friends....... are always there to drive me around in "our" car, and be completely idiotic with me!

I've come to realize that this year........was hard, really hard, and i have come a really long way!

I've come to realize that I will always....... Be generally happy! love my life, and love my friends forever!

I've come to realize that time...... never stops, so make what you can with what you have! :)

I've come to realize that you can't...... Go thru life sad, find something that makes you happy, and stick with it!

I've come to realize that my parents......are the coolest parents i know! and i love them so much.

I've come to realize that an extremely important, and the subject of a lot of fights.

I've come to realize that relationships........are everywhere!

I've come to realize that jobs.......all must suck! I have it lucky, and i still don't like it!

I've come to realize that children........are a lot more difficult than i would have thought last year. . . . . I'm not having them for an extremely LONG time!

I've come to realize that siblings........are fun! and i kinda like em!

I've come to realize that the world........needs to go back in time 100 years, and think about things!

I've come to realize that men.......are manly. . . and CODA! haha

I've come to realize that I.......Am always happy! hate grumpy people, well i hate people in general! Am never going to do what i really want to do, and I'm okay with that. . . and i don't really have any complaints! I'm down right lucky!

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